John BOGAR (RIN: 52) was born 1765 in georgia. He married Sarah PHILPOTT 1790 in north carolina. He died 1834 in sagamon illinois. Sarah PHILPOTT (RIN: 53), daughter of William PHILPOTT and Mary Ann DAVIS , was born 1777 in Frederick, MD. She died November 1867 in Sangamon, Illinois, USA.
1. Elizabeth BOGAR (RIN: 48), b. 1798 | See Daniel KELLY & Elizabeth BOGAR |
Marriage/Union Events for John BOGAR\Sarah PHILPOTT:
Notes for John BOGAR:
David Bogar was a witness for Daniel Kelly at his wedding to Elizabeth Bogar. John and Sarah Bogar gave written permission for the license of marriage for their daughter Elizabeth.
Daniel and Elizabeth migrated to Morgan County Missouri in the late 1830's, early 1840s. Their son, Noah was born in Tennessee in 1835. David Bogar appears in court records of Morgan County, Missouri in late 1830's. Have copies of land acquisitions, etc. Sally Burchfield appears to have been Daniel's first wife.
Daniel Kelly and Elizabeth Bogar were married 21 February, 1821. In attendance were John Bogar, David Bogar, Sarah Bogar, and Jose Philpott. They requested their marriage certificate in Green County, Kentucky. They resided in Brush Creek township. Daniel and Elizabeth are my Great Great Grandparents. This family is listed in the 1850 census of Morgan County, Missouri. David Bogar and Daniel Kelly have land patents records available. David Bogar married a lady named Polly shortly after Daniel and Elizabeth were married.
Daniel and Elizabeth resided in Tennessee long enough to have 5 children before they continued their migration to Morgan County. Court records show David and Polly arriving a few years ahead of Daniel and Elizabeth.Both family's of David and Daniel appear in the late 1830's early 1840's in Morgan County. David and Polly settled in Hawcreek Township, Elizabeth and Daniel in Millcreek Township.
Martin Bogar (son of John Bogar and Sarah Phillpott)
Birth: Mar. 8, 1806
Greene County
Tennessee, USA
Death: Sep. 30, 1883
Burial: Grange Hall Cemetery
Rock Port Atchison County Missouri, USA
Martin Bogar was post master
Post Office Location: Centre Grove, Atchison, Missouri
Post Master Appointment Date: 15 Sep 1863
Volume #: 22 Volume Year Range: 1858-1867
Martin Bogar
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Missouri
Regiment Name Expanded: 43rd Regiment, Missouri Infantry
Company: I
Rank In Expanded:Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Film Number: M390 roll 4
From Rootsweb
•ID: I2661
•Name: John Bogar
•Given Name: John
•Surname: Bogar
•Sex: M
•_UID: 05E05E066708A4499B37D95638F353FB1F7E
•Change Date: 26 AUG 2008
A John Boger is listed in the 1820 Census for Green Co., KY.
Harold Boger said that records show John Bogar in Granger Co., TN 1800-1820
He bought 200 acres of land on the Clinch River in Granger Co., TN - Book A page 248, This land was purchased on November 30, 1801.
Land Patents, Morgan Co., MO
Bogar , John (40 acres): s12-t43-r18 Hawcreek twp. (1835)
Green Co., KY Deed Book 6 pg. 491-492 18 Oct 1813
James Cumpton to John Bogar --$300 --100 acres on Little Brush Creek, including the plantation whereon Bogar resides, 40 acres above tract was conveyed to me by Thomas Lewis---Thomas Lewis corner--60 acres, the balance of the above hundred acres was conveyed by James Cumpton to William Barnett--Lewis' west line--west bank of Little brush Creek--.
Signed: James Compton
Wit: William Bridges, Wm Philpott
Greeen County SCT: Proven on 27 December, 1813 by William Bridges and William Philpott
Recorded: 19 January, 1814 by James Allen, CGC.
DB 7 Pg. 73-73 Green Co., KY 19 December, 1814
John Boger and John Compton--$300--100 acres--Little Brush Creek, including the plantation where on I live; 40 acres of the above tract was conveyed to James Cumpton by Thos. Lewis; sixty acres, the balance of the hundred acres, was conveyed to James Cumpton by Wm Barnett--west bank of Little Brush Creek--reduced to a strait line where Lewises line crosses the creek. It the land is lost, John Bogar and wife, Sarah are to return purchase money with interest.
Signed: John Bogar (X), Sarah Bogar (X)
Wit: Solomon DSpain, Charles Howell, James Underwood
Green County SCT: acknowledged 27 February, 1815 and proven by Charles Howell and James Underwood.
Recorded: 25 March 1815
Notes for Sarah PHILPOTT:
Children of John Bogar and Sarah Philpott
David 1801-1867
Margaret 1803 - 1882
Martin Bogar 1806-1883
•ID: I98
•Name: Sarah PHILPOTT
•Given Name: Sarah
•Surname: PHILPOTT
•Sex: F
•Birth: ABT 1777
Father: William PHILPOTT b: 16 AUG 1740
Mother: Mary Ann DAVIS b: 26 MAR 1740
Marriage 1 John BOGAR b: ABT 1777
Sarah PHILPOTT. She later married Mr. BOEN. She married Mr. POMPHREY.
Chadwick Family Tree has death Nov 1867 in Sagamon, IL
After father William Philpott died in Revolutionary War, mother Mary Ann went to North Carolina
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