John BALDWIN (RIN: 208), son of John BALDWYN and Hannah BRUEN , was born 1622 in Jamestown, VA. He married Mary WILKINS December 1650 in Virginia. He died 25 July 1684 in Maryland. Mary WILKINS (RIN: 209), daughter of John WILKINS and Bridget CRAFT , was born 1632 in Virginia. She died 1655 in Maryland.
1. Ruth BALDWIN (RIN: 207), b. 1650 | See Capt Phillip HOWARD & Ruth BALDWIN |
Marriage/Union Events for John BALDWIN\Mary WILKINS:
Notes for John BALDWIN:
John Baldwin married Elizabeth (?) before 1653. 1,2
John Baldwin is on the ancestor roster for the Colonial Dames XVIIth Century. According to the listing, John Baldwin was born in 1622 and died 1682-84, having settled in Maryland. He married (1) Mary Wilkins and (2) Elizabeth Lusby. He owned "Baldwin's Neck" and "Baldwin's Addition" in Ann Arundel Co., MD. 3 In 1650 John Baldwin lived at or at the head of the South River, on the north side, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 4 He had a patent for land in 1660 at South River, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 5
"This Virginia descendant of John Baldwyn, the hero of 1622, became a Quaker convert of the South River settlement. His will of 1684, named his wife, Elizabeth; daughter, Margaret, wife of Thomas Cruchley, the Annapolis attorney; his daughter Lydia, widow of Thomas Watkins and mother of Thomas Watkins, Jr; his daughter, Ruth, wife of Captain Philip Howard; his son, John heir and executor. The testator also names his grandchildren, viz: Hannah Howard, Lydia Cruchley (sister of Ruth Warfield), and Thomas Watkins, Jr." 1
Stevenson uses almost the same wording but neither author explains the "hero of 1622" nor traces the Baldwin family earlier than this John. 6
John Baldwin left a will on 12 June 1682 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland. "Baldwin, John, South River, Anne Arundel Co., 12th June, 1682; 16th June, 1684. To wife Eliza:, 1/3 of estate. To dau. Margaret, wife of Thomas Cruchley, and hrs. 70 A., “Baldwin's Addition.” To son John, sd. land in event of death of dau. Margaret without issue. To grandson Thomas Watkins, 210 A., “Lydia's Rest.” To dau. Lydia Bittison, sd. land in event of death of her son, Thomas Watkins, afsd. To grandchild. Lydia Cruchley, Hanna Howard, dau. of Philip and Ruth Howard, to Nathaniel Stinchcomb at age, and for the use of the Quaker ministry, personalty. Son John and hrs. exs. and residuary legatees of estate, real and personal. Overseers: Richd. Hill, Henry Ridgely. Test: Richd. Hill, Edward Burgess, Andrew Whiteroft, Robt. Rigsbee. 4. 43." 7 To this abstract I would add a few notes. The bequest to wife Elizabeth was during her widowhood. The surname of his daughter was spelled Crouchley and her 70 acre bequest was to go "to my son John Baldwin" if she had no heirs of her body lawfully begotten, and if he had no such heirs then "to my daughters Lydia Bittison and Ruth Howard". "Item I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Margarett Crouchley one cow called Cherry the said cow being already in her husband Crouchley's possession. Item I give unto my grandchild Lydia Crouchley one cow calf together with her increase to be delivered to her at age or the day of marriage the said cow calf being already in the possession of her father Thomas Crouchley. ... Item I give unto my grandchild Thomas Watkins one cow calf to be delivered to his use immediately after my decease.... Item I give to my grandchild Hannah Howard daughter of Philip and Ruth Howard ... Item I give my grandchild Thomas Watkins all that parcell of Land called Lydia's Rest according to the pattent of conformacon to me granted by certificate of survey two hundred and two acres more or less together with all profitts to him and his heirs forever but if the said Thomas Watkins should die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten then the said pa... of land to descend and come to the next heyre lawfully begotten of the body of my daughter Lydia Bittison mother of my said grandchild and to their heyres for ever." The personal estate remaining after settling debts, funeral expenses and not other wise "by me given or disposed be equally divided between my son John Baldwin and my daughter Lydia Bitterson and my daughter Ruth Howard they to have equall shares thereof." ... "my loving son John Baldwin my sole executor... my loving friends Richard Hill and Henry Ridgely both of the County of Ann Arundell aforesaid to be supervisors of this my last Will and Testament requiring their friends advice and assistance to my said Executor for the better executing and fulling this my law Will and Testament ... " The will is signed by mark, IB, and the clerk has written the name asJohn Balding. 8
"There is a will at Annapolis, which shows that John Baldwin, the Quaker, must have had another son not named in his will, viz: James Baldwin, the testator of 1727. He names his sons John, James, Thomas, Tyler; and daughters Susanna and Mary Baldwin. 'To son James, the homestead of my father, John Baldwin, by his last will and testament." 9
Boddie, under BALDWIN of ISLE of WIGHT, gives what seems to be a description of a possible "hero of 1622". He tells of a William Baldwin living in Isle of Wight County, Virginia at the time "of the massacre of 1622". Indians attacked the house of George Harrison, half a mile from Baldwin's. Twenty-three members of the Harrison household were forced to flee to Baldwin's which was successfully defended. Further details of this William Baldwin are given, but Boddie mentions only his son William and his only son William. 10,10
The ancestry of John Baldwin much be considered unproven, although some people have identified this John Baldwin with a John Baldwin of the Eastern Shore in Virginia who does have at least some connection with the 1622 massacre. 11
An extensive study of the records of John Wilkins, (b. ca. 1592 - 1596), who was falsely reported killed in the 1622 massacre shows that his daughter Mary had married a John Baldwin by 1649. By the chronology given, this Mary would have been a daughter of the first Mrs. Wilkins, a Mary Craft. John Baldwin is mentioned until 1660 and his children are mentioned (not named) until 1671. There were no Baldwins mentioned in the 1687 will of Ann Voss (who had been the second Mrs. John Wilkins). 12
To make the connection to the Maryland John Baldwin, it must be presumed that John of Virginia lost his first wife, Mary Wilkins Baldwin, and became John of Maryland who married the widow Mrs. Elizabeth Dorrell. Russell concludes that all of John Baldwin's children must have been by his unknown first wife, pointing out that the only Baldwin child mentioned in Elizabeth's will is Ruth who is not called a daughter in that will. 13
Notes for Mary WILKINS:
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