Rev. William EDDY (RIN: 190), son of Thomas EDDY and Margaret THOMAS , was born 1559 in Briston, Gloucestershire, England. He married Mary FOSTEN 20 November 1587 in Kent, England. He died 23 November 1616 in Kent, England. Mary FOSTEN (RIN: 191), daughter of John FOSTEN and Ellen MUNN , was born 19 September 1568 in Kent, England. She died 18 July 1611 in Kent, England.
1. Samuel EDDY (RIN: 188), b. 15 May 1608 | See Samuel EDDY & Elizabeth SAVOY |
Marriage/Union Events for Rev. William EDDY\Mary FOSTEN:
Notes for Rev. William EDDY: um=1&pg=0&pgpl=pid%7cpgNum
See file called The Eddye Family describing Rev, William Eddy as Vicar of St. Dunstan's Church from 1591 to 1616. His sons Samuel and John and daughter Abigail were among the Pilgrim settlers of New England.
Cranbrook is an old town which sprang into prominence in the 15th century when it became the center of the weaving industry. This place, anciently called Crane-broke, derives its name from its situation upon a brook called the Crane. Several old buildings date back to this prosperous period and the winding streets, well away from any main road, are lined with weather-boarded shops and houses. The parish church, St. Dunstan's, was built in the 15th century and is known locally as "the Cathedral of the Weald".
William Eddye lived during the reign of Elizabeth I, Queen of England. Upon the first page of the Parish Register at the Church of St. Dunstan in Cranbrook, county of Kent, it is written by the hand of William himself, since his signature is at the foot of the page, that he was "borne in the cittie of Bristoll," probably about 1550.
William matriculated as "sizar" at Trinity Hall, at the University of Cambridge, and there received the degree of B.A. in 1583. (A sizar is one who performs certain duties in part payment of his expenses at a school or college.) In 1586 he received the degree of Master of Arts - "magister in artibus" as he records it on the Register at Cranbrook.
In this same year, 1586, Richard Fletcher, who since 1559 had been Vicar of Cranbrook, died, and Robert Roades, the President of St. John's College, Cambridge, was chosen by Archbishop Whitgift to succeed him.
It is likely that he had become acquainted with William Eddye and was attracted to him, perhaps because of his scholarship or personality, and invited him to accompany him as his assistant to the Parish of Cranbrook in 1586. To a young man this must have been a wonderful opportunity, this chance to work with and be the companion of one of the scholars of the day. William accepted the invitation and settled in Cranbrook.
There he met Mary Fosten and on November 20, 1587 he married her. Upon the Marriage Register in his own handwriting there is the following entry: "20 Nupt. Willimus Eddye in artib' magister et Marya Fosten Virgo. Inductus autem fuit in realem actualem huius Ecclesiae parochialis Vicariae de Cranbrooke possessionem Duodecimo die Januarii, A. 1591." Mary, daughter of John Foster and Ellen Munn, died in Cranbrook, July 18, 1611. William married secondly on February 22, 1614, Sarah Taylor, a widow.
William then went to Thurston, a small parish in Suffolk County, near Bury St. Edmunds and not very far from Cambridge. There he occupied the position of curate, perhaps from 1583 to 1586, as is shown by his signature on the transcript of the Register which was sent to the Bishop's office at Norwich. This signature was compared with those at Cranbrook and found to be the same, so there is no question concerning the identity of William the Curate at Thurston, and William the Vicar at Cranbrook.
For some reason William Eddye was in Staplehurst, a town about six miles from Cranbook in the spring of 1589, and there his son Nathaniel was born and baptized. Robert Roades died in February, 1589/90 and Archbishop Whitgift then appointed Richard Mulcaster, the Head-Master of the Merchant-Taylors school to the office of Vicar. But he remained only a year, during which time William continued as curate. Then on January 12, 1591, Archbishop Whitgift appointed William Eddye to succeed as Vicar of St. Dunstan Church at Cranbrook. (Shown above right in photo.)
He occupied this position for 25 years until his death in 1616. Perhaps this appointment gives us the clearest picture of the ability of William Eddye which we have, in that he was deemed worthy to succeed the three brilliant and scholarly men who had occupied the vicarage for the previous thirty years. One can imagine the pride which William felt upon being chosen, when only about thirty years of age, to become the Vicar of the Church at Cranbrook, and the joy in his heart when he wrote below the record of his marriage those Latin words which when translated are "But he was inducted into the real and actual possession of the Vicerage of the Church of the parish of Cranbooke on the twelfth of January in the year 1591."
Another proof of his installation as Vicar is a record found in the First Fruits' Composition Books at the Public Records Office, which contains the following records: "Kent: Cranbrook Vic: Archbishop of Canterbury: December 17, 1591, William Eddye, Clerk, compounded for first fruits of the vicarage aforesaid - extending to £19.19.6 the tenth whereof 29s. 11 1/4 d., June 1 and December 1, 1592 and June 1 and December 1, 1593 £17.19.6 3/4. Bondsmen of the said William, Richard Jurden of Cranebook in Co. Kent yeoman and Robert Hovenden of the same clothier." Every new incumbent of a feudal or ecclesiastical benefice or of an office of profit was obliged to pay to his superior the "first fruits" or in other words, the income for the first year of the benefice or office. This record shows that the income of William Eddye for the first year of his incumbency, which began on January 12, 1591 was £19.19s.6d. and that on December 17, 1591 he paid one-tenth of the stipend and arranged with Richard Jurden, yeoman, and Robert Hovenden, clothier, to act as security for his payment of the rest. It also shows that he paid the remaining amount £17.19sh 6 3/4d. in four payments, two in 1592 and two in 1593.
Previous to 1598 the Church Registers of England had been written for the most part on paper. In the latter part of that year a law was issued to the clergy that the records must be kept on parchment. William Eddye set about this task and scholar that he was, he wished it well done, so he did it himself. Eighty pages bear his signature. The book bears evidence of careful work as a scribe and it shows some skill in drawing and designing, but a critic states that the illuminations are poor when compared with the work of medieval artists, but far superior to those of the average vicars, then or now.
From the style in which he was written out the Registers it is evident that he was probably a scholar. There are other circumstances which confirm this opinion. His own motto is "Aeterna expeto" which may be paraphrased by the words "My heart is set on eternity." The thought would rise only in a pious mind, and the expression of it in Latin, as William Eddye expressed it, would occur only to a man who could appreciate a neat Latin phrase. There are other indications of scholarly feeling in the quotations which he makes on the title pages of the separate sections of the book which contain the registers of the Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials. He quotes not only from the Scriptures, but also from the works of Cyprian and Augustine.
When he is making an entry with regard to his own family, he always uses the Latin language. It would seem as if he wished to make the record and yet was too shy to express himself in plain English. There seems no doubt that he was a good Latin scholar, who had some knowledge of the Latin Fathers. Of his knowledge of Greek it is not possible to speak with the same certainty. He speaks of himself as the "Pastor or Minister" of this Parish. If he had been a very careful student of the Prayer Book, he would have avoided the term Pastor as applied to himself. His use of these terms instead of the colorless word "Vicar" indicates that he was distinctly in favor of the Reformation. Apparently he did not go to extremes from the fact that there is no record of any disputes on religious matters in the parish while he was Vicar. Another circumstance points in the same direction. The Rev. Dudley Fenner, the Presbyterian Curate of Mr. Fletcher had named his two daughters "More Fruit" and "Faint Not". Other Christian names of this period in our register are "Repent," "Joy," "Mercy," etc. In naming his eleven children, Mr. Eddye did not follow this fashion, which was characteristic of the extreme wing of the Puritans. The names of his children are all found in the Bible except Eleanore, and yet they are names common to most families of that period.
There are other entries which tell us something of the character of William Eddye, because they are peculiar to himself: such remarks are not found in the entries made by his predecessors or successors. In the early years especially are found such additions made to entries of burials as "an honest man," "a good woman," "a godly and good woman," "a good Christian," "a most godly Chrystian." There is evidence also that he made remarks after burials, which he afterwards thought well to erase: he may have acted prudently in doing so but posterity would gladly know what he had said about Mr. Roades the predecessor under whom probably he served. Mention has been made of his constantly falling into Latin where he wishes to record something about his own family. Generally too he uses the writing, which was in use in his time and is more like German than modern English writing. But when he is making an entry with regard to his own family it is written in the script then used for Latin. The entries with regard to the Eddy family are in a large bold hand, which catch the eye at once. It may be inferred from the remarks and the erasures that he was somewhat impulsive and from the prominence given to entries about his kinsfolk that he was greatly interested in his own family. There is, however, one entry, which stands quite by itself, and reveals to us more of the character of William Eddye than all the rest. It is moreover the only piece of continuous composition which has come down to us. For these reasons and because it contains a narrative interesting in itself, it shall appear at length in modern spelling:
In this year following 1597 began a great plague in Cranbrook which continued from April the year aforesaid unto the 13th of July, 1598.
1. First it is to be observed that before this infection did begin that God about a year or two before took away by death many honest and good men and women.
2. Secondly, that the judgment of God for sin was much before threatened and especially for that vice of drunkenness, which did abound here.
3. Thirdly, that this infection was in all quarters at that time of this parish except Hartley quarter.
4. Fourthly, that the same began in the house of one Brightlinge out of which much thievery was committed and that it ended in the house of one Henry Grynnoche who was a pot companion and his wife noted much for incontinency which both died excommunicated.
5. Fifthly, that this infection was got almost into all the inns and victualling houses of the town places then of great misorder, so that God did seem to punish that himself, which others did neglect and not regard.
6. Together with this infection there was a great dearth at the same time, which was cause also of much heaviness and sorrow.
7. This was most grievous unto me of all that this judgment of God did not draw the people unto repentance the more but that many by it seemed to be more hardened in their sin.
In the Church Registers are the records of the baptism of his children, which have proved invaluable to his descendants of later generations. It is also noted that the records in the latter part of 1610 and for nearly all of 1611 are written by another hand, and it appears that for some reason, William was away from his vicarage, or else was suffering from a long illness. This was the year in which Mary, his first wife, and also a new-born child, Nathaniel died.
From the Register, is appears that at times there were other inmates in the household of Williams besides his family and servants, for on February 10, 1599, Mistress Bridget died, about whom he wrote "she appeared a maiden and most godly Christian gentlewoman. She lodged with me at the Vicarage and there died." There is also the entry of the death of a gentleman "who was schooling for the Latin tongue." It's possible that William increased the income derived from his position as a Vicar by tutoring.
William Eddy did not live long after his second marriage. Of this second marriage, there came one child, Priscilla, whose baptism is registered in the usual formal hand, and with due use of Latin to show her relationship to her father. Early in 1616, if the handwriting on the register is any indication, William was so ill that he was no longer able to perform his duties as Vicar. The next entry with regard to the family is the burial of William Eddye himself, which took place on 23 November 23, 1616.
Memorial Plaque to William Eddye St. Dunstan Church, Cranbrook
The exact spot where William Eddye lies buried is not known. It may be beneath the chancel of the church at Cranbrook where the incumbent vicar often was buried, or outside in the churchyard where at some time a wooden cross may have marked the grave.
The will of the Rev. William Eddye, Vicar of Cranbrook, Co. Kent, dated August 20, 1616 and proved December 4, 1616 in the Court of the Archdeacon of Canterbury:
In the name of God Amen the twentieth day of August 1616 and in the yeares of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lord James by the grace of God of England, Scotland, Fraunce and Ireland, King defender of the faith etc. viz of England, Fraunce and Ireland fourteenth and of Scotland the fyfteth; I William Eddye Minister and Pastor of the parrish Church of Cranebrooke in the County of Kent being at this present afflicted wth great bodely infirmities and weakenes whereby I doe assuredlie conceive that the tyme of my dissolution out of this mortal life draweth neere and is at hande have therefore determined to make and ordeine this my present last will and testament in manner and fourme followinge viz:
Inprimis, I comend my soule into the hands of almighty God my heavenlie father in Jesus Christ by the merritts of whose death and passion only my sinnes (wch I confesse to be many and great) being wholly remitted and forgotten I am fully persuaded in heart this mortal life ended to enjoy everlastinge life.
Item, I give and bequeath unto forty poore householders of this parishe that are apparentlie knowen to resort diligentlie to ye church upon the lordes day and doe live peaceablie and godlie the sume of forty shillinges of lawful money of England to be paid unto them wthin halfe a yere next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto John Eddie, my sonne the some of sixescore poundes of lawful money of England to be payd unto him by my executor in manner and fourme followinge viz threescore poundes thereof when he shall accomplish his full age of one and twentie yeares and other threescore poundes residew of his said portion wthin one whole yeare next after his said age.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Samuell Eddie and Zacharias Eddie, my sonnes to either of them one hundred pounds a peece of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them and either of them when they and either of them shall severally accomplish their severall ages of two and twentie yeares. And if it shall fortune that either of my said sonnes, Samuell and Zacharias to departe this life to Gods merie before the tyme that his or their said Legacie or Legacies shalbe due & my said son John then being livinge, then I will that he shall have Twentie poundes of his or their legacie or legacies so deceasinge to be paid unto him at his age of twentie and two years if either of his said bretheren depart this life before he shalbe of the said age. And if after the said age then to be paid him wthin one whole yeare next after the death of his brother so disceasinge. And the residew to be equally devided betweene the urvivor and my executor.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Abigail Eddie, Anne Eddie and Elizabeth Eddie, my daughters to either of them the some of one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them and either of them at their severall ages of XXtie [20] years or at their severall dayes of marriage wch shall first happen. And if any of my said daughters shall heppen to departe this life to Gods mercie before the tyme aforesaid that her or their legacie or legacies shallbe due then I will that my Executor shall pay unto Priscilla, my duaghter twentie markes thereof at her age of twentie yeares or day of marriage wch shall first happen (if she shall live untill her said age or day of marriage). Also allso unto my sayd sonne, John Eddie twentie poundes thereof if he be then livinge and neither of his younger bretheren deceased to be paid unto him as the twentie poundes abovesaid lymitted out of his younger brothers portion Provided allwayes if he have Twentie poundes by the death of either of his younger bretheren he shall not have anythinge out of any of his sisters legacies aforesaid. And if either of his Sisters die first, then to have nothing out of either of his said Brothers portions. And the residew of the said legacie or legacies of my said daughters soe departinge this life I will shall remaine to my executor.
Item, whereas Sara my now wife in love and kindness to me and my other children hath promised to make up a portion for Priscilla, my daughter my great new silver salt, two silver beare cupps, two new silver wine cuppes and one greene ragge coverlett all wch I will shall be delivered unto the said Sara, my wife ymediatlie after my decease for the use of my said daughter, Priscilla to be given to the said Priscilla at such convenient tymes as she in her discretion shall thynke fitt.
Item, I further give and bequeath unto the said Priscilla, my daughter my best needle worke Cushions belonginge thereto to be delivered to the said Priscilla by my Executour at her age of twenty yeares or day of marriage wch shall first happen.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto the aforesaid John Eddie, my sonne one other suite of my needle worke Cushions viz one large and two short that were wont to lye in the chamber window over the Parlor and my greane Cupboard Cloth for the Parlor that is wrought with needle worke together allso wth my Cipres table wth boxes in it wherein I doe use to lay the evidences of his house and one faire pewter Candlesticke set forth wth a man.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto Samuell Eddie, my sonne one little sylver salt called a trencher salt to be delivered unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto Zacharias, my Sonne one payer of my greatest brasse Candlestickes to be delivered unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares. Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Marie, the wife of Simeon Evernden one needle worke Cushion that is wont to stand upont he Cupboard in the Parlor to be delivered unto her ymediately after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto Abigall Eddie, Anne Eddie, and Elizabeth Eddie, my daughters three needle worke Cushions viz to each of them one wch were wont to stand in the large wyndow in my parlor to be delivered unto them ymediatelie after my decease and to be reserved in their trunkes for them wch longe since I gave them.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Simeon Evernden aforesaid, my sonne in law and to my said daughter, Marie his wife twentie poundes of lawfull money in England to be paid unto them or either of them by my executor wthin fower yeares next after my decease and to their three children viz, Simeon, Katherine and Robert each of them ten shillings to be put into or bestowed upon silver spoones for each of them one to be delivered unto them within two yeares next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Richard Taylor, Robert Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Elizabeth and Sara Taylor, the sonnes and daughters of Sara my now wife ten shillings a peece to be bestowed uppon Silver Spoones for everie of them one and to be given or delivered unto them wthin three yeares next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my two maid servauntes viz, Marie Greene and Anne Goodman to either of them five shillinges to be paid unto them and either of them wthin one month next after my decease. The residew of all and singular my moveable goods and chattells, Bookes, Corne, Cattell and household stuffe whatsoever before herein not willed given nor bequeathed my Debts Legacies and funerall expences discharged and paid I give and bequeath unto Phinees Eddie, my Sonne whom I make and ordeine full whole and sole Executor of this my present last will and Testament.
This is the last Will and testament of me the aforesaid William Eddie made and declared the day and yeare aforewritten as touchinge the disposition of all and singular my lands Tentes and hereditaments whatsoever viz I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Phinees Eddie, my sonne (for and towardes the better performance of my will and for the full and more absolute payment of my debts and legacies) all my messaages or Tentes, Edifices, buildings, Orchardes, gardens, rentes, annuities, landes and hereditaments whatsoever, wth all and singuler their appurtnces situate lying and being in the parish of Cranebrook aforesaid or elsewhere in ye Realme of England to have and to hold the same unto the said Phinees my sonne his heires and assignes for ever Provided alwayes and my verie will and meaning is that if the aforesaid Phineas, my sonne his heires and assignes shall make default in payment of any of the foresaid legacies before given to my sonnes and daughters, That then ymediatelye from and after any such default of payment so made contrarie to this my will it shall and may be lawfull to and for such of my sonnes and daughters as shalbe so unpaid to enter in and upon all and singuler my foresaid lands and Tentes whatsoever wth their appurtenances before given unto my sonne, Phinees.
And the same to have hold and occupye and enjoy viz my Sonne, John for the full terme and space of fower whole yeares in recompence of his foresaid legacies of sixe score poundes, And my other sones and daughters everie one of them that shalbe so unpaid to enter in and upon all my said landes and Tentes wth their appurtences and the same to have hold occupie and enjoy everie one of them for the full terme and space of three whole yeares in full recompence of his her or their foresaid legacie or legacies of one hundred poundes, And this everie one of them to doe successivelie one after another as often as any of them shalbe unpaid.
Item, my will and my minde is that whereas I have an Annuitie of five poundes a yeare granted unto me and Mary, my late wife now deceased and to the heires of our bodies lawfully begotten wch said Annuitie after my decease by law will descend unto all my sonnes equally yet I by this my will have given the same unto the foresaid Phinees, my sonne now my will and true meaning is that my foresaid sonnes John Eddie, Samuell Eddie, and Zacharias Eddie and everie of them in respect of their foresaid legacies to them by me given shall at all tyme and tymes after they and everie one of them shall severally accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares upon reasonable request to them and everie of them to be made by the said Phinees, my sonne his heires or assignes and at the costs and charges of the said Phinees his heires or assignes make convey and assure unto the said Phinees his heirs and assignes such assurances and conveyances for the discharging of their severall rightes, tytles and demandes of in and to the foresaid Annuities as the said Phinees Eddie his heires or assignes or his or their Councell learned shall devise, And if any of my said sonnes, John, Samuell and Zacharias shall refuse so to doe upon request made as aforesaid that then he or they wch shall so refuse shall loose the benefit of all his or their foresaid legacies before to them by me given.
Item, I will and my mind is that the aforesaid Phinees Eddie, my sonne his heires or assignes shall well and vertuouslie bringe upp the foresaid Samuell Eddie, Zacharias Eddie, Abigall Eddie, Anne Eddie and Elizabeth Eddie, my sonnes and daughters in good and vertuous education and maintaine and keepe them wth meete and suffitient meat drinke and apparell viz my sonnes untill they accomplish their severall ages of eighteene yeares except before that tyme he can place them forth in good services fytting for their degree and my daughters untill they shall severally accomplish their severall ages of eighteene yeares.
In witness whereof, I the foresayd William Eddie to everie sheet of paper of this my will conteininge sixe sheetes have set my hand and to this last sheete have also sett my seale. Dated the day and yeare first above written. William Eddie and published in the presence of John Elmestone and George Martin scriptor.
Probate was made of the will of Wm. Eddie clerk late Vicar of Cranebrooke Archdeaconry Court deceased 4th day of the month of December A.D. 1616 by the oath of Phinees Eddie the Executor. Afterwards namely the 8th day of the month of October 1617 by the Oaths of John Elmestone, George Martin, John Weller and Dence Weller the Probate was confirmed. Parties to the Sentence: Phinees the Son, sara Eddie the widow, John, Samuell & Zacharias the Sons, Marie Eddie als Evernden wife of Simon Evernden, Abigal, Anne, Elizabeth & Priscilla Eddie the daughters.
The Parsonage across from St. Dunstan Church - Cranbrook
From the inventory of William's estate it is possible to get some idea of his home. There was a hall with a large fireplace and some armor on the walls and behind it the kitchen, evidently a large room where the family ate. Here also was a large fireplace surrounded by the utensils used in cooking, many of them similar to those used in the very early New England kitchens. The kitchen had two cupboards, one of wood and the other, either with a glass front, or else made for holding glassware. The shelves were filled with pewter dishes and there were several pieces of brass. On this same floor opening out of the hall and kitchen were several other rooms. First of all there was a parlor which was well-furnished. There were curtains and "mappes" and pictures on the walls, a carpet on the floor, tables, chairs and cushions for further comfort and decoration. Then there were six chambers, the Chapel chamber, which was his own and which he probably used for his study and work, a parlor chamber, a hall chamber, a kitchen chamber, a maid's chamber, and another over the shop, which seemed to have been used partly as a storeroom, as was also the shop below. Beyond the kitchen were the regular outbuildings, one where the meal was sifted and then stored and where the loaves were kneaded, another building where the ale and other drinks were brewed and a third where the products of the dairy were cared for and stored. The three buildings generally adjoined the kitchen, while the other outbuildings were entirely separate. There were several of these besides the barn and the woodhouse.
After William's death, his widow Sarah continued to live in Cranbrook. It would appear that Sarah had children of her own from a previous marriage and that they did not get along with William's children. Zachary Eddy, in his oration in 1880, states that Phineas had a fight with one of them in the churchyard. When Sarah died, she left no property to any of the Eddy children and since her own daughter, Priscilla Eddy, is not mentioned in her will, she must have died in childhood. Sarah herself died between August 1, 1637 (date of her will) and February 5, 1639/40 (date it was probated).
St. Dunstan Church, Cranbrook, Kent, England
Photo by Ernie Tufft
Used with permission
William Eddye lived during the reign of Elizabeth I, Queen of England. Upon the first page of the Parish Register at the Church of St. Dunstan in Cranbrook, county of Kent, it is written by the hand of William himself, since his signature is at the foot of the page, that he was "borne in the cittie of Bristoll," probably about 1550. He married November 20, 1587 in Cranbrook, Mary Fosten. He married second February 22, 1614, Sarah Taylor, a widow.
William matriculated as "sizar" at Trinity Hall, at the University of Cambridge, and there received the degree of B.A. in 1583. (A sizar is one who performs certain duties in part payment of his expenses at a school or college.) William then went to Thurston, a small parish in Suffolk County, near Bury St. Edmunds and not very far from Cambridge. There he occupied the position of curate, perhaps from 1583 to 1586, as is shown by his signature on the transcript of the Register which was sent to the Bishop's office at Norwich. This signature was compared with those at Cranbrook and found to be the same, so there is no question concerning the identity of William the Curate at Thurston, and William the Vicar at Cranbrook. He was made Vicar of St. Dunstan Church, Cranbrook, Kent County, England, in Aug 1591, and so continued until his death, 23 Nov 1616. He was a strict Episcopalian, a diligent pastor. He left a volume of parish registers, handsomely engrossed and illuminated.
In the Register are the records of the baptism of his children, which have proved invaluable to his descendants of later generations. It is also noted that the records in the latter part of 1610 and for nearly all of 1611 are written by another hand, and it appears that for some reason, William was away from his vicarage, or else was suffering from a long illness. This was the year in which Mary, his wife, and also a new-born child, Nathaniel died.
From the inventory of William's estate it is possible to get some idea of his home. There was a hall with a large fireplace and some armor on the walls and behind it the kitchen, evidently a large room where the family ate. Here also was a large fireplace surrounded by the utensils used in cooking, many of them similar to those used in the very early New England kitchens. The kitchen had two cupboards, one of wood and the other, either with a glass front, or else made for holding glassware. The shelves were filled with pewter dishes and there were several pieces of brass. On this same floor opening out of the hall and kitchen were several other rooms. First of all there was a parlor which was well-furnished. There were curtains and "mappes" and pictures on the walls, a carpet on the floor, tables, chairs and cushions for further comfort and decoration. Then there were six chambers, the Chapel chamber, which was his own and which he probably used for his study and work, a parlor chamber, a hall chamber, a kitchen chamber, a maid's chamber, and another over the shop, which seemed to have been used partly as a storeroom, as was also the shop below. Beyond the kitchen were the regular outbuildings, one where the meal was sifted and then stored and where the loaves were kneaded, another building where the ale and other drinks were brewed and a third where the products of the dairy were cared for and stored. The three buildings generally adjoined the kitchen, while the other outbuildings were entirely separate. There were several of these besides the barn and the woodhouse.
From the Register, is appears that at times there were other inmantes in the household of Williams besides his family and servants, for on February 10, 1599, Mistress bridget died, about whom he wrote "she appeared a maiden and most godly Christian gentlewoman. She lodged with me at the Vicarage and there died." There is also the entry of the death of a gentleman "who was schooling for the Latin tongue." It's possible that William increased the income derived from his position as a Vicar by tutoring.
William Eddy did not live long after his second marriage. Early in 1616, if the handwriting on the register is any indication, William was so ill that he was no longer able to perform his duties as Viar, and on November 23, 1616 he died.
The exact spot where William Eddye lies buried is not known. It may be beneath the chancel of the church at Cranbrook where the incumbent vicar often was buried, or outside in the churchyard where at some time a wooden cross may have marked the grave.
The will of the Rev. William Eddye, Vicar of Cranbrook, Co. Kent, dated 20 Aug 1616 and proved 4 Dec 1616 in the Court of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, reads:
In the name of God Amen the twentieth day of August 1616 and in the yeares of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lord James by the grace of God of England, Scotland, Fraunce and Ireland, King defender of the faith etc. viz of England, Fraunce and Ireland fourteenth and of Scotland the fyfteth; I William Eddye Minister and Pastor of the parrish Church of Cranebrooke in the County of Kent being at this present afflicted wth great bodely infirmities and weakenes whereby I doe assuredlie conceive that the tyme of my dissolution out of this mortal life draweth neere and is at hande have therefore determined to make and ordeine this my present last will and testament in manner and fourme followinge viz:
Inprimis, I comend my soule into the hands of almighty God my heavenlie father in Jesus Christ by the merritts of whose death and passion only my sinnes (wch I confesse to be many and great) being wholly remitted and forgotten I am fully persuaded in heart this mortal life ended to enjoy everlastinge life.
Item, I give and bequeath unto forty poore householders of this parishe that are apparentlie knowen to resort diligentlie to ye church upon the lordes day and doe live peaceablie and godlie the sume of forty shillinges of lawful money of England to be paid unto them wthin halfe a yere next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto John Eddie, my sonne the some of sixescore poundes of lawful money of England to be payd unto him by my executor in manner and fourme followinge viz threescore poundes thereof when he shall accomplish his full age of one and twentie yeares and other threescore poundes residew of his said portion wthin one whole yeare next after his said age.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Samuell Eddie and Zacharias Eddie, my sonnes to either of them one hundred pounds a peece of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them and either of them when they and either of them shall severally accomplish their severall ages of two and twentie yeares. And if it shall fortune that either of my said sonnes, Samuell and Zacharias to departe this life to Gods merie before the tyme that his or their said Legacie or Legacies shalbe due & my said son John then being livinge, then I will that he shall have Twentie poundes of his or their legacie or legacies so deceasinge to be paid unto him at his age of twentie and two years if either of his said bretheren depart this life before he shalbe of the said age. And if after the said age then to be paid him wthin one whole yeare next after the death of his brother so disceasinge. And the residew to be equally devided betweene the urvivor and my executor.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Abigail Eddie, Anne Eddie and Elizabeth Eddie, my daughters to either of them the some of one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them and either of them at their severall ages of XXtie [20] years or at their severall dayes of marriage wch shall first happen. And if any of my said daughters shall heppen to departe this life to Gods mercie before the tyme aforesaid that her or their legacie or legacies shallbe due then I will that my Executor shall pay unto Priscilla, my duaghter twentie markes thereof at her age of twentie yeares or day of marriage wch shall first happen (if she shall live untill her said age or day of marriage). Also allso unto my sayd sonne, John Eddie twentie poundes thereof if he be then livinge and neither of his younger bretheren deceased to be paid unto him as the twentie poundes abovesaid lymitted out of his younger brothers portion Provided allwayes if he have Twentie poundes by the death of either of his younger bretheren he shall not have anythinge out of any of his sisters legacies aforesaid. And if either of his Sisters die first, then to have nothing out of either of his said Brothers portions. And the residew of the said legacie or legacies of my said daughters soe departinge this life I will shall remaine to my executor.
Item, whereas Sara my now wife in love and kindness to me and my other children hath promised to make up a portion for Priscilla, my daughter my great new silver salt, two silver beare cupps, two new silver wine cuppes and one greene ragge coverlett all wch I will shall be delivered unto the said Sara, my wife ymediatlie after my decease for the use of my said daughter, Priscilla to be given to the said Priscilla at such convenient tymes as she in her discretion shall thynke fitt.
Item, I further give and bequeath unto the said Priscilla, my daughter my best needle worke Cushions belonginge thereto to be delivered to the said Priscilla by my Executour at her age of twenty yeares or day of marriage wch shall first happen.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto the aforesaid John Eddie, my sonne one other suite of my needle worke Cushions viz one large and two short that were wont to lye in the chamber window over the Parlor and my greane Cupboard Cloth for the Parlor that is wrought with needle worke together allso wth my Cipres table wth boxes in it wherein I doe use to lay the evidences of his house and one faire pewter Candlesticke set forth wth a man.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto Samuell Eddie, my sonne one little sylver salt called a trencher salt to be delivered unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto Zacharias, my Sonne one payer of my greatest brasse Candlestickes to be delivered unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares. Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Marie, the wife of Simeon Evernden one needle worke Cushion that is wont to stand upont he Cupboard in the Parlor to be delivered unto her ymediately after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath more unto Abigall Eddie, Anne Eddie, and Elizabeth Eddie, my daughters three needle worke Cushions viz to each of them one wch were wont to stand in the large wyndow in my parlor to be delivered unto them ymediatelie after my decease and to be reserved in their trunkes for them wch longe since I gave them.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Simeon Evernden aforesaid, my sonne in law and to my said daughter, Marie his wife twentie poundes of lawfull money in England to be paid unto them or either of them by my executor wthin fower yeares next after my decease and to their three children viz, Simeon, Katherine and Robert each of them ten shillings to be put into or bestowed upon silver spoones for each of them one to be delivered unto them within two yeares next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Richard Taylor, Robert Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Elizabeth and Sara Taylor, the sonnes and daughters of Sara my now wife ten shillings a peece to be bestowed uppon Silver Spoones for everie of them one and to be given or delivered unto them wthin three yeares next after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my two maid servauntes viz, Marie Greene and Anne Goodman to either of them five shillinges to be paid unto them and either of them wthin one month next after my decease. The residew of all and singular my moveable goods and chattells, Bookes, Corne, Cattell and household stuffe whatsoever before herein not willed given nor bequeathed my Debts Legacies and funerall expences discharged and paid I give and bequeath unto Phinees Eddie, my Sonne whom I make and ordeine full whole and sole Executor of this my present last will and Testament.
This is the last Will and testament of me the aforesaid William Eddie made and declared the day and yeare aforewritten as touchinge the disposition of all and singular my lands Tentes and hereditaments whatsoever viz I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Phinees Eddie, my sonne (for and towardes the better performance of my will and for the full and more absolute payment of my debts and legacies) all my messaages or Tentes, Edifices, buildings, Orchardes, gardens, rentes, annuities, landes and hereditaments whatsoever, wth all and singuler their appurtnces situate lying and being in the parish of Cranebrook aforesaid or elsewhere in ye Realme of England to have and to hold the same unto the said Phinees my sonne his heires and assignes for ever Provided alwayes and my verie will and meaning is that if the aforesaid Phineas, my sonne his heires and assignes shall make default in payment of any of the foresaid legacies before given to my sonnes and daughters, That then ymediatelye from and after any such default of payment so made contrarie to this my will it shall and may be lawfull to and for such of my sonnes and daughters as shalbe so unpaid to enter in and upon all and singuler my foresaid lands and Tentes whatsoever wth their appurtenances before given unto my sonne, Phinees, And the same to have hold and occupye and enjoy viz my Sonne, John for the full terme and space of fower whole yeares in recompence of his foresaid legacies of sixe score poundes, And my other sones and daughters everie one of them that shalbe so unpaid to enter in and upon all my said landes and Tentes wth their appurtences and the same to have hold occupie and enjoy everie one of them for the full terme and space of three whole yeares in full recompence of his her or their foresaid legacie or legacies of one hundred poundes, And this everie one of them to doe successivelie one after another as often as any of them shalbe unpaid.
Item, my will and my minde is that whereas I have an Annuitie of five poundes a yeare granted unto me and Mary, my late wife now deceased and to the heires of our bodies lawfully begotten wch said Annuitie after my decease by law will descend unto all my sonnes equally yet I by this my will have given the same unto the foresaid Phinees, my sonne now my will and true meaning is that my foresaid sonnes John Eddie, Samuell Eddie, and Zacharias Eddie and everie of them in respect of their foresaid legacies to them by me given shall at all tyme and tymes after they and everie one of them shall severally accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares upon reasonable request to them and everie of them to be made by the said Phinees, my sonne his heires or assignes and at the costs and charges of the said Phinees his heires or assignes make convey and assure unto the said Phinees his heirs and assignes such assurances and conveyances for the discharging of their severall rightes, tytles and demandes of in and to the foresaid Annuities as the said Phinees Eddie his heires or assignes or his or their Councell learned shall devise, And if any of my said sonnes, John, Samuell and Zacharias shall refuse so to doe upon request made as aforesaid that then he or they wch shall so refuse shall loose the benefit of all his or their foresaid legacies before to them by me given.
Item, I will and my mind is that the aforesaid Phinees Eddie, my sonne his heires or assignes shall well and vertuouslie bringe upp the foresaid Samuell Eddie, Zacharias Eddie, Abigall Eddie, Anne Eddie and Elizabeth Eddie, my sonnes and daughters in good and vertuous education and maintaine and keepe them wth meete and suffitient meat drinke and apparell viz my sonnes untill they accomplish their severall ages of eighteene yeares except before that tyme he can place them forth in good services fytting for their degree and my daughters untill they shall severally accomplish their severall ages of eighteene yeares.
In witness whereof, I the foresayd William Eddie to everie sheet of paper of this my will conteininge sixe sheetes have set my hand and to this last sheete have also sett my seale. Dated the day and yeare first above written. William Eddie."
Sealed and published in the presence of John Elmestone and George Martin, scriptor. Probate was made of the will of Wm. Eddie clerk late Vicar of Cranebrooke Archdeaconry Court deceased 4th day of the month of December A.D. 1616 by the oath of Phinees Eddie the Executor. Afterwards namely the 8th day of the month of October 1617 by the Oaths of John Elmestone, George Martin, John Weller and Dence Weller the Probate was confirmed. Parties to the Sentence: Phinees the Son, sara Eddie the widow, John, Samuell & Zacharias the Sons, Marie Eddie als Evernden wife of Simon Evernden, Abigal, Anne, Elizabeth & Priscilla Eddie the daughters.
Notes for Mary FOSTEN:
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